
The Stroopwafel

Last weekend I took another trip to Holland and found myself doing even more exploring! The thing I've noticed about Holland is that even when the sun is shining and it's beautifully bright and sunny, it is still ridiculously cold! The wind just tears straight through you and even though you may have been misled in to thinking you've got any chance of coping outside without a jacket, you definitely haven't! 

So my outfit had to include a jacket and as ever I am wearing lots of bright and lively colours! I stuck to pretty casual, comfy clothes as there was a lot of cycling involved in the day's antics so jeans and my Clarks were a must. And then I threw a hat and some sunnies on... just because I can and why the hell not.

Hat - Topshop | Jacket - Topshop | Blouse - Zara | Jeans - Urban Outfitters | Shoes - Clarks Originals | Aviator sunglasses - RayBan | Black sunglasses - Quay

Cue a quick change of sunglasses ^^^

Me modelling a Stroopwafel in Leiden.

As far as I'm concerned, whilst in Holland, there is no better outfit accessory than a Stroopwafel. The combination of caramel and waffle is pretty much heroic and if you've not had a taste yet, I would definitely recommend. I feel like I would be letting down the dutch culture if I didn't eat one every day whilst staying in their country. What do they say? A Stroopwafel a day keeps the doctor away? Ha, I wish.

Keep your eyes peeled for another post about my recent trip - I will be posting again soon.


  1. Just found your blog and love it - had to give you a follow! Really like your outfit as it is so simple but chic at the same time :)
    Feel free to check out our latest post x

    1. Thank you - how sweet. I will check out your blog :)

      M x


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